Dachshund in Tokyo

This is Bit. He is a Dachshund born in Japan.
He is now living in Nakameguro and exploring Tokyo.

If you found Bit the Dachshund website then it is likely that you like Dachshunds. Perhaps you have a Dachshund and are searching for other Dachshunds in Tokyo. Maybe you are thinking of adopting a Dachshund puppy soon and are now doing some online research about the life of Dachshund in Tokyo.

Welcome to the Dachshund Bit Website

Well, this website was created to find other Dachshund owners in Tokyo, so Bit can make some friends. Bit the dachshund is super friendly, yet sadly, sometimes too much and finds it hard to make friends in Tokyo. As Japanese people say, he is KY. Yet he has a heart of gold but just struggles to make a connection with others in Tokyo.

Nevertheless, we hope that sharing some of Bit's experiences from life in Tokyo, that it will be of some interest or simple enjoyment for others around the world. As you may have found from looking around, not all pages or parts are completed on this website. However, each weekend more parts will get completed and once that is done, then the plan is to be updated daily with news posts about Dachshund Bit in Tokyo.

We hope that you will follow along online from overseas. Or if you see Bit out in Tokyo, then always come over to say Hello (こんにちは) to him if you are a regular reader of Bit's website.

To find this website again, you only need to type Bit . Nakameguro . Cafe into your address bar at the top of your web browser. No need to write in the www. or HTTP etc. When you think of Dachshund Bit, just think of three words and two dots to find him again. Or you could bookmark this dachshund website now, just in case for safe keeping so as to visit again in the near future.

At the moment due to everything not being finished and the lack of photos, videos or blog posts, it is perhaps hard to imagine the value of this dachshund website at this time. But let's keep in touch and please send a message to Bit via the contact pages next time you visit.